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Worker Safety Resources

The following resources were developed to support workers and companies in staying safe in a variety of worksite situations.

Working Under Vehicles

Resources to help facilitate a crew talk safety presentation for working under and around vehicles.  The crew talk can be done in two ways:

  1. Tailgate safety meeting: The Crew Talk Discussion Guide, downloadable below, can be used to support and document this talk. The benefit of a tailgate discussion is there is very little set-up and the discussion can be led with little preparation. The negatives are that there is less opportunity to discuss the subject in detail.The tailgate safety meeting should take approximately 10 to 20 minutes. As the discussion leader, introduce the topic, present the recent fatalities and work with the group to discuss ways to prevent similar incidents occurring on your worksite.
  2. Safety meeting presentation: The second way to do this talk is to set up a safety meeting and use the included PowerPoint slide pages (in PDF format) to support a bigger, more formal discussion. The benefit of this way of presenting the information is that it allows for an in-depth discussion on the issue in a formalized setting. The negatives of this way of presenting the information are that it requires more set-up, takes more time, and requires a physical room to conduct the meeting. Note: You can also share viewing of the PDF ‘in-field’ using your phone, tablet or laptop computer – if a meeting room setting is not practical or available.

Scroll down to access downloadable resources

BCFSC does not imply or express any guarantee or compliance for your particular company situation.


Resource Download

  • Working Under Vehicles: Tailgate Discussion Guide

    Guide to help support and document the tailgate safety meeting.
    Form - PDF

  • Working Under Vehicles: Safety Meeting Presentation

    Presentation to support an in-depth discussion on Working Under Vehicles in a more formalized safety meeting setting.
    Presentation - PowerPoint slide pages in PDF format

  • Working Under Vehicles: Crew Talk Attendance Confirmation

    Form used to record attendees at the Working Under Vehicles safety meeting/crew talk.
    Form - Word

  • Working Under Vehicles: Facilitator's Resource

    Presentation slides outline to assist the facilitator in delivering the safety presentation/crew talk.
    Guide - PDF