The annual Vancouver Island and Interior Safety Conferences are industry-driven safety conferences covering topics of interest to the forestry sector.
The conferences are led by steering committees made up of representatives from labour, industry, BCFSC and WorkSafeBC with industry sponsorship that allows for free admission for conference delegates.
Upcoming Conferences
2024 Vancouver Island Safety Conference:
Bridging Generations in Today’s Safety Culture
Date: Saturday, October 26, 2024 | 9:00am - 4:00pm (Check-in opens at 8:00am)
Location: Vancouver Island Conference Centre | 101 Gordon Street, Nanaimo, BC
Conference Agenda: Take a look at what's in store for the day.
VISC registration closes October 14, 2024
The Vancouver Island Safety Conference (VISC) is a FREE full-day, in-person conference open to all BC forestry workers. This annual conference is industry-driven and focusses on essential forestry safety topics.
VISC Features:
- Engaging speakers
- A trade show featuring targeted forestry safety products and services
- Refreshments and lunch for attendees
- A silent auction benefiting KidSport Nanaimo
- 50/50 draw
- Door prizes and more!
This year, VISC features three keynote speakers: health and safety expert Eldeen Pozniak, former US Marine and author of Core of Four, Tim Page-Bottorff, and Tom Wilson, who dedicated his life to promoting safety and understanding risk tolerance after surviving a plane crash in 2008 and chronicled his experience in his 2015 book, Moments of Impact.
VISC supports the Nanaimo Loaves & Fishes Community Foodbank.
In lieu of a conference fee, conference attendees can bring a non-perishable food item or cash donation.
If you have questions regarding registration or sponsorship, contact the VISC steering committee by email or call 1-877-741-1060.
2024 Past Conferences
Interior Safety Conference - Safety at Work: Inside and Out
Thank you to everyone who attended this year's conference. For those who missed the chance to attend in person, you can download some of the presentations from the day's events.
The Interior Safety Conference (ISC) is an annual event that brings together professionals from the BC forest sector to discuss safety-related issues and explore ways to improve safety practices in the industry. It is FREE for anyone who works in any phase of the forest industry from silviculture and harvesting to wood products manufacturing. It features forestry-related safety topics with speakers, industry experts, and relevant safety information.
The ISC is held in partnership with the Interior Logging Association (ILA) Conference.