Step by step registration process:
Step 1 - Download and fill out the SAFE Companies registration form (Please ensure the registration form is fully completed. Missing information may result in unnecessary processing delays.)

Step 2 - Send the completed form by:
- Email:
- Fax: 250-741-1068
- Mail/courier: 8C-2220 Bowen Rd, Nanaimo BC V9S 1H9
Step 3 - Pay the registration fee. Download the payment form:
- IOO $125 (+ GST)
- ISEBASE $300 (+ GST)
- SEBASE $600 (+ GST)
- BASE $1200 (+ GST)
Step 4 - Once the registration and payment are processed, BCFSC will send email confirmation within one-to-five business days.
BCFSC is a Certifying Partner for the WorkSafeBC Certificate of Recognition (COR) program. Learn about how to be SAFE & COR Certified.
Updating your registration:
Update your registration if the status of your company changes such as a change of address, expansion or downsizing, or changes in work priorities. These changes may impact your certification status.
- Contact information: person, address, email or phone number
- Company name
- Size of company
- Company ownership/status
- WorkSafeBC (WSBC) status
- WSBC account
- WSBC Classification Unit
- Other content on registration form

Complete the change form send the completed form by email, fax or mail as noted in Step 2.
If you would like information released to a third party, (ie. audit results) please provide authorization using a SAFECo Information Release Form.