Research, Development and Opportunity Fund

The BC Forest Safety Council (BCFSC) has developed a special Research, Development and Opportunity Fund (RDO) operating fund to support initiatives that address current and emerging safety challenges and opportunities in the forest sector.

This fund will provide financial assistance to industry researchers and partners who propose practical and feasible solutions for improving occupational health and safety in forestry operations. It will also encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing among stakeholders, as well as alignment with Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) regulations.

The fund will be set at $100,000 with application funding limits not exceeding $30,000, however, the balance of the account is dependent on current approved projects and the availability of unrestricted reserves at year end.

BCFSC will be accepting applications for research grants in 2024 and will prioritize approvals based on the significance of the emerging issue and proposed research projects that demonstrate innovation, impact, feasibility and scalability.

RDO Application and Submission Documents