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Woodlot and Small Tenure Safety Resources

Small Tenure Safety

In BC, each small tenure holder (e.g., woodlot, community forest, etc.) has a responsibility to have a safety plan in place to guide forest management activities on their tenure area.  Recognizing that tenure holders manage those operations in a range of ways, The Woodlot License and Community Forest Agreement Safety Committee (WL-CFA SC) has developed three (3) safety plan templates (see below).

The templates have been developed based on two main criteria:

  1. Who conducts the activities (e.g. the tenure holder and/or their employees, or a contractor(s)).
  2. The nature of those operations (e.g. higher risk activities such as road building, harvesting and log hauling, or lower risk activities such as planting, silviculture surveys and layout).

If you have utilized or are familiar with the template(s), the WL-CFA SC would greatly appreciate our feedback via the following confidential survey:


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BCFSC does not imply or express any guarantee or compliance for your particular company situation.

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  • Weather Events and Safety

    The increased frequency and magnitude of weather events compels Woodlots and Community Forests to re-examine existing safety plans and/or develop new safety plans to address the potential for increased risks to worker safety.

  • Extreme Heat and Worker Safety

    In recent years we have seen an increase in the unpredictable nature of summer weather conditions. Recently BC broke numerous heat records due to a heat dome which led to an unprecedented number of heat related illness and fatalities. People who work outdoors can often be at the highest risk for heat-related illnesses and injuries during hot summer conditions.

  • Rainfall Shutdown and Resumption Procedures

    Forest tenure holders/Licensees must provide and maintain their land and premises used as a workplace in a manner that ensures the health and safety of workers. One of the obligations is to ensure there is effective rainfall shutdown and resumption procedures in place, not only on active work sites but also on the travel routes to and from these sites.

  • Rainfall Shutdown and Resumption Procedures Part 2

    Many mass movement processes, such as landslides and debris flows, occur when the ground is unusually wet, and slope instability is elevated. As part of their duty to ensure worker safety, Licensees have responsibilities to make sure workers are aware of the risks and have a plan to respond. Having a simple process to monitor rainfall and to train crews in recognizing when conditions are changing for the worse can save lives.

  • Rainfall Shutdown Operational Management and Safety Considerations

    Climate change and seemingly more frequent extreme weather events are affecting the safety and performance of forest infrastructure and operations in diverse and unexpected ways. In some cases, the results include safety risks for road users, structure failure rates and maintenance costs. Tenure holders need to understand how climate change, and rainfall events in particular, can affect the safety of their forest operations and what they can do to prepare for and respond to those events.

  • Planning for Safety in Partial Cutting

    Licensees and contractors involved in planning forest operations are responsible for the identification of risks and hazards unique to partial cutting systems.

  • Small Tenure Safety Program Template: Scenario 1

    Intended for tenure holders who contract out all activities carried out on the tenure area. However, this does not preclude the tenure holder from conducting administrative tasks and/or visiting the tenure for general or site inspection purposes.
    Fillable form - PDF

  • Small Tenure Safety Program Template: Scenario 2

    Intended for tenure holders who use contractors to conduct higher risk activities (i.e. road building, harvesting, log hauling, etc.) and the tenure holder conducts ONLY lower risk activities (i.e. basic silviculture, layout, etc.).
    Fillable form - PDF

  • Small Tenure Safety Program Template: Scenario 3

    Intended for tenure holders who directly conduct low and high-risk activities in the tenure area (i.e. planning, harvesting, silviculture, etc.). The tenure holder may also periodically use contractors to perform some of these activities.
    Fillable form - PDF

  • SAFEWoods: Know Your Responsibilities #1 - Owner

    WLCFASC Owner Responsibilities - PDF

  • SAFEWoods: Know Your Responsibilities #2 - Prime Contractor

    WLCFASC Prime Contractor Responsibilities - PDF

  • SAFEWoods: Know Your Responsibilities #3 - Employer

    WLCFASC Employer Responsibilities - PDF

  • SAFEWoods: Know Your Responsibilities #4 - Supervisor

    WLCFASC Supervisor Responsibilities - PDF

  • SAFEWoods: Know Your Responsibilities #5 - Worker

    WLCFASC Worker Responsibilities - PDF

  • SAFEWoods: Know Your Responsibilities #6 - Board of Directors

    WLCFASC Board of Director Responsibilities - PDF

  • SAFEWoods: Know Your Responsibilities Wrap Up

    A comprehensive wrap up to the six part series " Know Your Responsibilities" articles - PDF

  • SAFEWoods: Making safety part of good community relations

    One of the best features of BC woodlots and community forest areas is their ability to give the
    public opportunities to see and interact with local small-scale forest management - PDF

  • Keep the Woods Safe: Licensee Liabilities Poster

    Poster - 11 x 17 inches

  • Keep the Woods Safe: Know Your Responsibilities Poster

    Poster - 11 x 17 inches

  • SAFEWoods: Licence Holders May Have Multiple Safety Responsibilities

    Table showing the licence holder responsibilities - PDF

  • SAFEWoods: Post Wildfire Operational Safety Bulletin

    A resource of additional considerations when working on land that has been affected by wildfires.
    Bulletin - PDF

  • SAFEWoods: Trail use in British Columbia - Who is liable?

    Trails in BC have a valuable role in our heritage, livelihoods and recreation. Users range from school kids, tourists, hikers, bikers and skiers to hunters and berry pickers. If one of those users is injured while using a trail that’s on your woodlot or community forest, will the license holder(s) be held liable?