This course is intended to prepare certified and qualified fallers to work safely and effectively with explosives to remove trees that are too dangerous to fall by conventional methods.
“If conventional methods cannot be safely employed to remove a dangerous tree, blasting or other acceptable methods must be used.” Workers Compensation Act Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 26.26(3).
Blasting is a practice that helps the faller manage the risks associated with dangerous trees. This training makes blasting more readily available to falling operations, and therefore more likely to be used to overcome the risks of managing dangerous trees, jackpots, hang-ups, or windthrow stacks.
This training is acceptable to WorkSafeBC (WSBC) for fallers wishing to write the WSBC blasting exam to obtain dangerous tree blasting certification.
This course is available in English only. Participants will receive a record of completion.
Training Session Dates, Locations & Enrollment
For course information details, scheduling and current pricing, visit the training provider: Danger Tree Blasting
State of Danger Tree Blasting in BC
Integra Forest Consulting 2011 Preliminary Review Report
Session Dates, Locations & Enrollment
For course information details, scheduling and current pricing, visit Danger Tree Blasting
State of Danger Tree Blasting in BC
Integra Forest Consulting 2011 Preliminary Review Report